What do I mean by waves? The best way I can describe what they are is this: ripples upon the ocean of consciousness caused by maya, the actions of the mind. When you can go about your day actually feelingthem as they pass through you, you know that you are in complete unison with God. Her divine support is what keeps me going during days like this. Her unconditional, divine love is what gives these waves their blissful sensation. My detachment from the earthen rajas, actions of others around me and my own, is what lets me know that I can be anywhere in the Universe and still feel these waves. They let me know that I am not contained within or defined by a situation or a location.
God sent me here to Yuma, Arizona for one reason -- I needed to learn something from an experience. I have obtained That…..
Too many people in this world have finite vision and understanding. They think that their immediate surroundings define their value, their purpose, their life. It is only when this bubble can be burst and one becomes detached and moves on that they can develop true understanding. Too many people in this world would rather have their finite limits because to expand is too frightening. This too takes strength, a strength that can only be developed through spiritual contemplation. When the disciple is ready, the master really does appear.
Then there is seva, selfless action done without the expectation of reward. Seva is not something you do to gain recognition, to win favor, or even as a sense of duty. It is something you do automatically when you know that you are a channel of God’s peace playing a role in this Play of Consciousness, detached, carefree, and without limits. Seva is your gift to the world. Seva can be your livelihood, what you do for your living. As long as it is done with the intent of serving the highest good of all, it is selfless services. It is done in the name of God. It is not a “job”, for that is limited thinking. It is how you, as God’s instrument, create. One who feels “the waves” automatically feels called to service, to seva.
For me, surfing those waves goes something like this: Wherever I go, I look around me. As I am observing the actions and interactions of people around me, as well as the rest of the scenery (décor, music, odors, the weather, etc.), everything produces a vibration within. It doesn’t matter if it is a pleasant situation or an unpleasant one, as it is all a play anyway. The more pleasant it is, the more the vibrations are filled with a feeling of bliss. I experience bliss as a sensation of “butterflies” in my third chakra. From there the bliss explodes throughout the nadi, causing me to be still. This event is what I refer to as a “wave”.
These divinely produced waves are possible only when I feel completely detached from my surroundings. How is detachment possible? Coming here to Yuma, Arizona solidified this concept for me. It doesn’t matter where in the world you are, who you are interacting with, who you call “friend” or acquaintance, what situation you find yourself in, what scenery you are looking at, what conversation is going on around you. It is all part of a certain “bubble”. When you can go from bubble to bubble without attaching yourself to any of them, you are truly free. That is what being detached is all about.
It doesn’t matter where I am in this world. There is no place that the Guru is not. There is no place that I am not. The waves are everywhere, and I live everywhere. Nothing is separate, and without the sensation of the divine flowing waves, from That.