Friday, September 11, 2009

Spinal Hygiene

When I mention the words "spinal" and "hygiene" together, I usually get a good chuckle. Hygiene commonly refers to the act of cleanliness, such as brushing your teeth properly or washing your hands often. In reality, the true meaning of the word "hygiene", according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is "Conditions or practices conducive to health." Therefore, these two words fit together perfectly. Here's a question to ponder: If the brain controls everything in the body, how do the signals get from the brain to the body and back again? It's not a trick answer. The answer is: the spinal cord. All of the nerves that run through the spine, and the 24 cranial nerves, control EEEVEERRYYYTHING in the body. Therefore, it's vital to maintaining optimal health and function to be very aware of proper spinal hygiene.

The first an absolutest rule to proper spinal hygiene is: get a chiropractor. When bones misalign, they can and do put pressure on nerves. When nerves have pressure placed on them, things start to go bad, and it doesn't always cause pain. Chiropractic care takes the pressure off the nerves. You can never reach your true potential in life without chiropractic care! Secondly, the rest is up to you. Do what you can when you're not in your chiropractor's office to keep yourself healthy. This includes setting up your work areas to reduce physical stress. This is referred to as "ergonomics." This also includes de-stressing yourself mentally and emotionally on a regular basis. Dr. Daniel David Palmer, the founder of the chiropractic profession, said that 80% of all illness is due to "autosuggestion", or how we think. Spiritual health is also very important. I'm not talking about the need to go to church or practice a certain belief. Being "spiritual" simply means doing what is right and keeping in mind that there is a bigger picture and a Divine Order to the universe.

In my stress reduction workshops, I teach people a series of physical stretches that specifically focus on spine tuning as part of a complete spinal hygiene package. These exercises were developed in 1999 by Dr. Ron Kirk, dean of the chiropractic program at Life University in Marietta, GA. These exercises are so simple that anyone of any age can do them, even if they have some sort of back problem. You can see the instructional program on how to do these exercises here: In followup sessions, people have told me that when they do these exercises, they find that they have better endurance throughout the day, whether they are working at a desk job or whether they are an athlete in training. I encourage everyone to look through this spinal hygiene and spine tuning program. It just might make the difference in how healthy you feel and in how well you function!

If you don't already have a chiropractor, and you don't know who in your area to choose, you can always contact me. I will check around to see who in your area I feel will be able to serve you best based on your particular needs. Not every chiropractor is the same, meaning that some have different subspecialties. For example, not every chiropractor is trained in pediatric care or in the care of extremity problems. You can contact me through my NEW website at

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