Tuesday, December 30, 2008


One of the reasons I created this blog was to be up front with people. Even if a person is considered a leader or a pious person, there is one thing that the general public usually forgets -- the fact that they are human. To err is human, and it is also human to have the same concerns, complaints, aches, pains, grumbles, gripes, emotional swings, foibles, ticks, habits, and bathroom habits as a "normal" human being. Therefore, to look at someone's profile, such as mine, and think that this person has everything in order is to be mistaken.

Let's look at some great leaders throughout history and see what I mean. Jesus, the Christian Lord, is esteemed to be THE incarnation of God himself, yet totally human. So, if he was totally human, did he get angry? You betcha. It even says so in the gospels. Did he feel pain? That's certainly well documented. Was he married, and did he have children? The latest writings found in the Dead Sea Scrolls seem to indicate that. So, this must also mean that he suffered from the flu now and then, got upset stomachs when he ate too much, and may have even suffered from allergies. Well, he WAS human, right?

How about another example. The late great Swami Muktananda of Ganeshpuri, India. Truly an enlightened being he was, a Siddha. He could translocate, performed great healings, and awakened people's Kundalini energy. This same person also had to have a pacemaker put in him to keep him alive. This same person also had a terrible temper and would chastise people in public. This same person was also accused of being sexually indecent on some occasions. Well, he WAS human, right?

Soooo, next time you look at a public profile and think they are above all things human, think again. They are JUST as likely to be as human as YOU. Therefore, as you read my blog posts, don't start feeling nauseated by what I have to say. After all, not only am I human too. I am also autistic.

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