About a year ago at this time, I created a website devoted completely to the performing of distance healing involving the resolving of conflicts involving paranormal phenomena. Nowadays, a much shorter version of that page exists, and I don't throw away money to advertise it anymore. You can view the new page at http://www.universalpeace.vze.com/. It would be my greatest joy to make a career of being involved in dealing with the paranormal. However, what I want to do does not exist on any viable level. There are parapsychologists and "ghost hunters" who scientifically investigate paranormal phenomena, and then there are groups of people who are simply interested in discussing the topic. What I do is VERY much different, and does not involve either of these extremes. Instead of studying the paranormal, and instead of being an aloof fan of it, I help people to resolve any conflicts they may have with it.
So how does that work? If people have a ghost in their house, I don't say, "Ooh, aah, how neat!" Nor do I offer to come into your home with spectrometers and special cameras to study what's happening. I actually ELIMINATE the ghosts all together, using energy healing. I HATE, and I do mean "hate", when TV shows glorify hauntings, which are in reality spirits who are trapped in a realm they cannot escape. I also hate the investigators who bilk thousands of dollars from people in order to rationally explain something that cannot be rationally explained. Enter one Rev. Dr. Patrick V. Suglia who, for only $150, will rid the phenomenon all together that is causing you grief. Now, wouldn't that be a fair price to pay to find peace with the universe? Why monkey around with it!
So, how many ghosts have I chased? Well let's see. I started doing this in 1998. Since that time I chased, quite successfully I must say, at least three ghosts. I also performed one successful exorcism. (The exorcism was NOT a very pretty situation, and, although I would certainly do them if called to, I do not look forward to having to do one again.) Also, I have been very successful at making contact with loved ones who have crossed over, not for myself but for clients who were in much need of closure. These are not things I do "for fun". They are serious matters, and they should be treated as such. And, one thing I DO NOT advertise myself as is a "psychic". That I am not. I am a HEALER, one that uses energy modalities to create universal peace.
This blog entry may be considered a self-advertisement. So be it. But I needed to clear the record. When people see on the church website that I perform "paranormal and metaphysical services", they need to know what this means. This blog post explains that in more detail. It also shakes a finger at those who go too far to the left and to the right on the topic. To the right I say stop wasting time, money, and energy by making a "scientific study" of this stuff. To the left, I say stop thinking that it's so neat that you lose your head in the clouds over it. It is neither. It is a serious matter. And people need healing because of it. That's where I come in. If you want to know more, check out my website which I mentioned earlier in this post.
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